Monday, May 29, 2017

Hall of Fame Insight To Overcome Addiction (Part 2 of 2) by Dr Ken McGill, Counselor and Therapist, Plano, TX

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" - Psalm 139:23-24 (TNIV)
In Hall of Fame Insight to Overcome Addiction (Part 1 of 2), we looked at how other people and processes could help us in our effort to be successful in our recovery.  In this post, I ask you to consider using these questions which serve as "strategic plays" for you to implement with others who may have a vested interest in your recovery. I call this brief "playbook" the TeamWorks Model.
The TeamWorks Model simply asks you to share your answers to the following questions with one, two or a group of people who have made a commitment with you to strive toward championing addictive behavior in your life. As mentioned in the verse above, greater progress and healthier outcomes could be experienced as you search your heart and communicate with others who are supportive of you. May God bless you as you utilize these strategies!
Since you last talked with a "teammate" (supportive friend in your life and/or recovery)...
T (Thoughts)
  1. Have you had trigger thoughts and how have they been challenging for you?
  2. What could be the obvious or hidden message(s) embedded in your thoughts that you may need to discuss and receive help and feedback about?
  3. What specific, concrete and measurable adjustments will you make behaviorally in light of the insight you gain from exploring your thoughts with your teammate(s)?
E (Emotions)
  1. What emotions have been particularly difficult for you this week (see the Feelings Wheel below)?
  2. What behaviors did you engage in as a result of any emotional flooding episodes? Do you need to make any amends with others?
  3. In light of the feedback you may receive from your teammates what adjustments will you make so that you manage your emotions effectively and decrease any potential emotional flooding episodes in the future?
A (Actions)
  1. What slippery actions or behaviors has the "Adolescent" or Addict part of you suggested you engage in, which if not averted or corrected, could lead to a relapse?  Have you shared this with your teammate(s)?
  2. In light of the insight and feedback you may have received from your teammates, what other adjustments will you make so that you manage your behavior successfully and obtain the behavioral outcomes you want?
  3. What self-care actions and experiences have you engaged in that you wish to celebrate with your teammates, because they are a sign of your personal growth and reflect that you have "scored a touchdown"  in your recovery?
M (Morals and Mentors)
  1. What are the specific and meaningful values, morals, convictions and commitments that you wish to strengthen and implement today, knowing that when practiced they will help your recovery?
  2. What encouraging word have you heard today from your Mentor/Teammate and what action does it inspire you to fulfill, just for today?
  3. What person or mentor is missing from your Team, so that if added, you will have a better chance of being successful with your resolves (i.e., Doctor, Therapist, Pastor, Priest, Coach, Spiritual Guide, etc.)? What role do you want them to “play?”
Thanks for visiting and please visit the other blogs written by Dr Ken McGill: Daily Bread for Life and “3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 24″ for additional information that could be helpful. I welcome your comments below or via email and your favorites, your retweets and your “+1’s” if you have a brief moment and find the information helpful. Again, it is my desire to provide the very best info for your consideration.
Feelings wheel

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