Sunday, April 16, 2017

Keynotes #13: My Daily Inventory by Dr Ken McGill, Counselor and Psychotherapist in Plano, TX

“Keynotes” are my brief comments about life and recovery and are intended to provide insight, inspiration, wisdom or humor to your day.
Step 10: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."
I've grown to love Step 10, because it helps me to "balance the books psychologically, spiritually and behaviorally" in a moments notice, if not at the end of the day.
During the day, things happen in my life where I'm either helpful or impatient, kind or negligent, thoughtful or thoughtless. Sometimes I'm in control of my feelings and I don't "burn" anyone, at other times I need to stop, apologize and engage in corrective behavior. When I do these things I know that I'm working Step 10.
Step 10 also reminds me that when I'm taking my inventory, I need to pause and take in the compliment that's given to me as much as I give time and reflection to the internal critic in my brain whose message could be merciless. I need to inventory and celebrate the good I'm apart of and just try to change the bad into better.
What's coming up in your life as you work Step 10?

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